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Your vote could decide who wins this year’s Hall of Fame Award at the Australian Fraud Awards ‘25

New for 2025. Now you can help choose your people’s champion…

Every year the Fraud Awards recognises excellence in our industry. Celebrating the best to inspire others to do even better.

Historically the Judges have chosen whomsoever they deem the most deserving of entry into the Fraud Awards Hall of Fame – recognition of a long and illustrious career of someone who has impacted the industry in a meaningful way.

However, this year we are making the Hall of Fame a ‘people’s choice’ category…

Anyone can vote for anyone simply by clocking the link below and nominating any individual – retailer, academic, vendor or law enforcement officer – whom they think is deserving of industry wide recognition for their contribution to our industry throughout the career.

Simply give the name of the person, where they currently work and, in no more than perhaps 50 words, explain why you believe they deserve to be honoured at the Fraud Awards 2024 by being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Votes will be counted. And the most popular choice announced on the night.

Note that whilst in all other Fraud Awards categories you can nominate yourself or your team, you cannot nominate yourself for induction into the Hall of Fame. And individuals each have one vote!

So, get voting. Now is your chance to help make history by choosing this year’s winner of the Hall of Fame Award…

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